Please have a picture with a nice smile or looking happy. If that sounds something interesting to you please message me unless you wear Destiny will take us because after all Destiny is all! You just can't let life pass you by..Sometimes life is about venturing outside the comfort zone you know and trying something different - from Rosman food, adventure, life, and everything around it. I'm a very sexually open guy, nothing scares me and I'm always willing to journey to your domain whether it's the comfort of your home is cool by me!

C'mon over and get that spanking you have been craving.
Clean, DD free, as you should be.

Smart, wise, funny, authentic, brave, tenacious, critical thinker, genetically blessed but also does everything with vigour so I don't need to exercise any more than what daily life requires of a human - oh and very horny following a long period trying to save my marriage, failing, separating, divorcing, the experience switched off my appetite for girl company....but it's back now and I'm very hungry!!!